I hope you're well! I entered the new year with a cold. I know, thanks-a-lot 2015! I'm not going to forget you, I swear!
I know we're in the new year, but I didn't get a chance to share the gingerbread house I made this past Christmas! All my life, yes, ALL MY LIFE I wanted to make a gingerbread house. My cousin always made them. Like, every year, without fail. Not-gonna-lie, I was pretty jealous. This was the cousin who hosted a "Decorate Your Own Sugar Cookie" party, but never thought to host a "Decorate Your Own Gingerbread House" party?? Yes Claudia, I'm talking about YOU. Maybe next year, hmm??
So, anyway, I thought I'd show off, err, I mean, share my gingerbread home. It smelled wonderful! Like the way you'd imagine Christmas to smell: cinnamon; sugary sweet; heavenly. Yep. All of those things.